2020-01-12 18:00
2020-01-12 18:00
2020-01-12 18:00
2025-01-19 17:47
Business Events in Acumatica can trigger activities like import scenarios
Business Events automatically launch an activity in Acumatica. This video will show you how to launch an Import Scenario on a scheduled basis. In this example, we will auto-generate expense forms for employees to use.


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Creating a Business Event for and Import Scenario in Acumatica ERP

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January 13, 2020

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This CS3 Tip of the Day is about Acumatica Business Events.

Our Company Story is about improving our cash flow by improving our Expense Claim Process.

We are going to do that by creating a business event for us today.

Our business event will create an expense claim for each of the employees pictured on the screen and will then review how the expense claim screen works, build a GI and then create a business event with an import scenario that will create an expense claim for each one of those managers.

The expense claim has three main areas we need to focus on-who it was created by, the date of the claim, and the description. We create an attribute to show who is going to be participating in this monthly expense claim creation process. We need to attach our attribute to our employee classes, and then we also need to attach it to each of the employees who will show up on our generic inquiry that will be part of our business event.

We create a generic inquiry based on our employee table, put it into our hidden inquiries and add the fields that will be used in creating our import scenario in a few moments.

That will wrap up our first few items here. Now what we are really going to be focused on is getting our business event set. Business events have a lot of benefits – they can send emails, trigger mobile notifications or even trigger import scenarios like our example is doing here.Create a new business event, give it an event ID and then we will tie it to our generic inquiry screen name up here in the right hand corner. We want to give a description – I’m just going to copy the id down, then we will go find our generic inquiry in our hidden inquiries – we don’t really want anyone to be running this it’s just the system that’s going to be running it in the background and that’s why it’s a good idea to put it in this generic hidden section.

Now our record could be triggered by a record change but instead we are going to do this on a schedule because it’s going to be a once a month item, so we click schedules, there’s no created schedules for it so we will just use the handy “create schedule” button, go in here and set the execution limit to “none”. We want to keep one history that way we can always go back in and view it. Then we go in and set our monthly schedule. We can select a specific day of the month or we could pick the last Friday of the month; first second, last Friday of the month etc. In this particular case we’re going to pick the 20th of the month- that gives us our 10 day leeway for people to do their thing- and then we are going to set this to run with no conditions and no filters as our generic inquiry is already doing all the filtering for us. We will go ahead and give this a description and then in a second come back to that schedule tab and set this to run at midnight. That way it is ready for that next morning every morning. You can notice there in the action name it’s going to raise our business event.

Once our schedule is complete we can add our subscriber which in this case will be our import scenario. We need to give the scenario a name, usually using BE as my standard so that all these things kind of tie together. We’ll go in here and create a very simple import scenario off the expense claim screen. Our provider object is going to be our current results.We could pick from previous results or the current results. Then we just need to go in and add all of the items that are going to be filled in- the reference number, the claimed by, the date. We will actually use equals 1 here for our reference number- that just means that it’s going to create one reference number automatically numbered by the system. Once that’s complete will have our business events all ready to go.

You can come in here and click the view history button and see if that’s been run yet, and of course its not the 20th so it hasn’t. So we will just mark off our to do list and go look at the automation schedule status in our system management menu. This will show us whether or not that has proceeded and if not when the next time that will run will be. And you can see it there “BE Create Expense Claim” scheduled to go on January 20th, 2020 which is what we had expected, but just to test it out let’s go ahead and modify that date that it’s going to run and let’s set it to run 15 minutes from now. That way we can get a pretty good idea on whether or not our scenario works and if it’s going to be good or not. Actually I did just set this one minute in the future we got lucky with a nice round time but we’ll wait in video time for a minute -click- yay -- its done. It did run. We got the green ball there that indicates that it ran successfully. We can go over to our time and expenses claims and see that each one has been created for each one of those managers successfully and our import scenario worked and our business event fired. Now we can go back and modify the schedule and have it ready to go for next month.

Acumatica ERP
Data Management