2019-02-26 18:00
2019-02-26 18:00
2019-02-26 18:00
2025-01-19 17:47
CS3 Technology Achieves Acumatica's Gold Partner Status
The entire CS3 team has worked diligently building our client base and service offerings associated with the Acumatica ERP tool, earning us their Gold Partner Status!

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CS3 Achieves Gold Partner Status with Acumatica

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February 27, 2019

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Only three years ago, CS3 Technology added Acumatica ERP to our portfolio of accounting products. We received our Gold Partner Status 12/31/2018. The entire team has worked diligently building our client base and service offerings for this new tool.

CS3 Technology's Acumatica Gold Certified Partner Award
Gary Crouch and Juston Michealson holding the acuatica gold certified partner award 2018

Gold Partner is achieved with two important measurements. Of course, the volume of new sales is the first part. Juston Michealson, our ERP Sales Associate has driven that metric. But the second is equally important to our President, Gary Crouch; customer satisfaction. According to Crouch, “One of our 18 Service Pillars is to deliver more than what is promised. Client satisfaction is more important to CS3 than sales. Take care of the client and the sales will follow.” Acumatica polls each client annually to ensure that CS3 continues to provide quality, timely service.

Shawn Slavin, our vice president of technology, was committed to finding a product that leveraged currently technology but still gave our clients a choice of deployment methods. Acumatica was the perfect solution allowing our clients to install the software locally or to leverage the server farm in a hosted environment with Acumatica.

To date, our clients have been delighted with the Acumatica offering. About a third of our clients have preferred the traditional model of installing the software on their own servers. While they have a lower year-over-year fee, the initial investment is higher than a SaaS (software as a service) model.

Congratulations to all my CS3 Team members and their success with Acumatica.

Acumatica ERP