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Major Changes to UKG in the R84 December 2023 Release and Update
This round of updates to Scissortail HCM are jam-packed with a slew of exciting new features and improvements. From enhanced customization for report filters in the Jobs and General Ledger Overrides module to an easy-to-print Statement for multiple employees, there is something for everyone.

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Scissortail HCM R84 December Release Update

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December 15, 2022

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This latest round of updates are scorching and they can be felt in many modules of Scissortail HCM. In particular, the most striking improvements made it even easier for businesses in Pennsylvania (PA) to comply with local tax regulations. The Jobs and General Ledger Overrides module, with newly added filters providing users with greater customization options for their reports. Total Compensation Statements have been given a new and improved look and feel, which can help you easily print for multiple employees at once. Additionally a clock widget that allows cost center lookup has been added to Timesheets, along with split time allocation that allows start/end time entry over two days. But wait! There's more. Continue reading on for all the details.

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This round of updates are hot, hot, hot and there are a lot, but I am going to focus on the hottest enhancements for each module in Scissortail HCM. For the complete list of updates and bug fixes see the Popup Communication sent out in Scissortail. The Payroll and TLM are the stars of this update, with Pay Prep and Timesheet changes that will make taxes and reporting easier than ever. HR was not left out, the enhancements for HR are a game changer. 

Payroll updates:

Updates to Pennsylvania (PA) local tax reporting now are included in MasterTax RTS files. No more manual entries for PA. 

New Filters for Jobs in General Ledger Overrides, three new filters have been added Jobs, Jobs Filtered, and Jobs List. 

Total Compensation Statements or previously known as Benefit Statements has a new look and feel that is pleasing to the eye of the user. Not only can they be printed but you can print multiple employee reports at once. 

Time and Attendance updates:

Historical Timesheet Corrections and Retro Pay corrections that now sync in payroll! That means they can be process in payroll and now will be viewable on pay statements. 

TLM Reports have a Workflow Delegation Report, that documents that are added my one delegate can be seen by all delegates. 

Timesheets will have reorder punch buttons, clock widget that allows cost center lookup, and coolest of all split time allocation that the start/end time entry can span over 2 days. 

Accruals 2.0 will no longer calculate time left over in seconds that will lead to carry over balanced to be incorrect. All pay statements will now execute during an Accrual Period, and Zero Out Functionality for Accruals 1.0 has been added to 2.0. 

Cost Centers have added three new import fields: Pay Grade, Time Zone, and Allows Override at the employee level. There is now a Non-Unique Abbreviation Excel standard that will allow duplicate Cost Center Abbreviations. 

HR updates:

Benefit Enrollment Summary is now available in PDF formatting and can include past, current, and future enrollment plans. If that wasn’t enough now HR Administrators can print multiple employee’s summary at once. 

This is one of my favorite enhancements, Accounts will automatically unlock when the password is reset, game changer. 

R84 December updates are exciting and can’t wait to use them. Please reach out to us with any questions. 

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