2018-04-23 19:00
2018-04-23 19:00
2018-04-23 19:00
2024-12-29 0:17
Sage 100 Accounts Receivable Collections Tips and Tricks
Step-by-step tips for collection streamlining ing Sage 100. We have found a number of shortcuts that may be of use to others who receive requests for invoice copies or statements.


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Sage 100 AR Collection Tips

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April 24, 2018

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As I’ve assumed more of the collections duties at my company, I’ve found a number of shortcuts that may be of use to others who receive requests for invoice copies or statements.

  1. Ordinarily, statements can be run at any time – the task is located under the Period End menu in the Task Manager in MAS:

Period end menu dialog in Sage 100 task Manager

However, you can also run individualized statements (and AR aging reports, if those make more sense to your customers) directly from the Customer Maintenance Invoice screen:

Printing Accounts Receivable aging and statement reports

  1. If you have a group of customers that request a statement be sent to them on a specific date, say the 15th of the month, you can create a statement cycle and then run that particular cycle at any time to print only those statements:

Sage 100 statement cycle menu

setting accounts receivable cycle date in Sage 100

  1. Some customers that have a large number of invoices may wish to have them listed in an Excel spreadsheet for more easy manipulation. The best way I’ve found to accomplish this directly from MAS is to export their AR aging report and clean it up a bit before forwarding it to them:

Import accounts receivable excel aging report
excel template for AR aging report

  1. Finally, to print only the open invoices for a given customer, utilize the Invoice History Printing function in the Accounts Receivable Reports menu, and make sure the “Unpaid Invoice Only” checkbox is selected:
setting invoices to view unpaid only in Sage 100

The only shortcoming of MAS in this regarding is the inability to print an “amount-due invoice” that reflects payment(s) already received. However, I have written just such a form, and CS3 Technology has someone on their staff that would be more than happy to write one for you – you just have to ask them to modify your existing invoice form, or create a new form based upon your current one - and make sure you tell them I sent you!

Hopefully you will find something here that will make your collections tasks a little easier for you!


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