2019-07-17 19:00
2019-07-17 19:00
2019-07-17 19:00
2025-01-19 17:47
How to Make Your Business Software and Tools Work For You
YouTube has a lot of great information about how to use your business software and CS3 has a TON of great videos on how to make that software work hard for you and your company and not the other way around!


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Making Your Business Software Work For You

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July 18, 2019

Event Details







Our lives are more complex than ever. In our work, we are using more business software and technology than ever and though I can't speak for everyone, I'm guessing you all have just as many questions as I do about tools we use every day. Questions like; how do I use my Payroll App on my phone? Can my software do workflow (and how)? How can I customize (software name here!)?

That's just a few questions our consultants get from clients every day. Of course, there's the modern catch all answer for anyone who has a question these days: Google it! But the internet is a big place and we don't have time to scour page after page hoping some obscure tech forum has the answer we need.

We have a solution! CS3 Technology has a YouTube channel full of helpful videos that answer the questions I reference above and many others. Go to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCehrxw5ty5t5lf7TSJoxrrQ/featured and subscribe to our free channel to see great content that answers questions and discusses topics our clients are asking us about regularly.

If you need more convincing, here is a video from company EVP, Shawn Slavin, introducing the CS3 Technology channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_O98gDCip8

Have a video you want to see us make? Let us know! https://www.cs3technology.com/contact

And for those of you wanting more business insights and best practices, our Advisory branch, CS3 Advisors, also has a YouTube channel you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO2wVlG1UpPXloWGhIttbNg/videos with an introduction video by CS3 President, Gary Crouch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1FNYU-Ovf0

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