2020-12-06 18:00
2020-12-06 18:00
2020-12-06 18:00
2025-01-19 17:47
Working past due accounts with Acumatica is streamlined with dashboards
AR cash collection is all about easy access to data for researching collection attempts, payments made, credits issued and cash applied. Acumatica Dashboards and side-panels make this task so much easier.


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AR Collections with Acumatica

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December 7, 2020

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A lot of companies want to keep track of where their money is which I’m going to call it “sitting in limbo”.  This could be invoices generated but not yet paid or even a credit memo not applied yet. We like to keep up to date on incoming money so we know how much we can spend later correct.  By using dashboard, you can see a lot of information at one time and use that to assist with receivables.  I am going to be discussing the AR Clerk dashboard that is out of the box Acumatica.  I did make a small change and added a new widget for account balances but that was just because.  You can add or remove any of these widgets to make it your own to follow your business needs. Since this is a demo box, most of the data will show 90+ days overdue. I am going to click on the overdue 90+ days and sort by days past due descending so I can work with the oldest item first to get that money in as soon as possible.  

This generic inquiry actually has the side panel already added which is a really nice feature for this type of research.  I want to go down the list as quickly as possible to get the most bang for my buck. Let’s click on the first item Veracity Credit Consultants.  The side panel brings up the customer data which is great because I want to check their activity to see if I have emailed or called them lately about their past due items. I see I called them today to let them know they have a past due amount and sent them a copy of their invoice.  The way to do that would be to click on their balance, and you see there are two different invoices.  Click on one of them and click Actions>Email invoice.  You can repeat the same step above or click on Actions>Send email to pick a template you have created.  I am going to use the invoice due in 15 days item as it is already there. In order to do that.  Click Actions > Select Source > click on the magnifying glass and search for AR invoice due in 15 days.  Make sure the Append box is checked.  Then click Select.  You now have an email ready to be sent to the customer.  Most of the data would be filled in but for some reason this one isn’t working properly. The invoice number, due date and balance should be filled out. However, you can always make changes on the fly.

Ok now that we have gone through and done our research, let’s say we have money to apply to one of these invoices. You can either go in through the invoice and click Action > Enter payment/Apply bill.  The payments and applications screen will open, and you can type in there what amount is received.  Or you can go to payments and applications> enter the customer and a listing of all open invoices will appear.  You can click which invoice you want to apply payments to then input dollar amount save and release.

I love how easy it is to view the necessary data on one screen then can click and drill down into documents that need to be reviewed or processed.  Then the real time functionality of your dashboard updating.




Acumatica ERP
Accounts Receivable