Blog Post

July 2020 Employee Spotlight: Cristi Womack

Published on

August 3, 2020

Cristi Womack

Published on

August 3, 2020

Cristi Womack

What I Do for You

I am your go-to person for anything Acumatica-related. Following the 18 Service Pillars, I have always been a go-to person even before getting this job, and if I do not know an answer, I will request help from others in order to meet your needs. I will not transfer you to other people and expect you to relay your issue yet again. Instead, I will get the information and will be the middleman in order to get the most expertised person on the issue, while keeping you updated on the situation. I am also here to help you with getting your documentation and processes written. I love making PowerPoint presentations and training guides—hence the nickname, “Chief Spiffy-Upper.” 😊                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

The CS3 Service Pillar I Find Most Natural

While I have a strong relationship with Pillar number 18—“Know when you are over your head”—I am most comfortable with Pilar number 11—“Project a positive attitude.” I have always been known as the one who smiles all the time. I have a great attitude and am easy to talk to. I listen to your needs and work with you on getting them fixed, provide needed clarification, or can be used as a sounding board.

What’s Been Happening at the Office

We have recently had our spring retreat prior to the COVID-19 shutdown, and a lot of great information and bonding with new teammates came out of that event. While I have always been a work-from-home person based outside of Wichita, Kansas, since taking this position in August 2019, the majority of the team is based out of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and I still feel connected with all of my teammates. Our immediate team talks daily, and our larger team talks weekly. And it is super easy to just ping someone and get questions answered immediately, just like walking to their desk.

What’s Coming Up This Year

I came across a new feature in Acumatica this past month, and it is super helpful for research. The side panel was introduced earlier this year, and I found out recently you can actually put a report PDF on the side panel, so you don’t have to use a different screen each time. I am a very visual person, and some of the new features coming up in 2020R2, like being able to see recently viewed records or the dashboard auto refresh, are going to be so helpful to many customers. I love how innovative Acumatica is and how they listen to customers’ needs/wants and implement these ideas.

Exciting Things Outside the Office

I am a mother of two, so I stay extremely busy throughout the year. With my son graduating high school, talking about colleges, and joining the debate team this year—all while trying to see the last of his high school band performances—this momma is feeling nostalgic. Why did I let him take on the drums? Thank the heavens for electric drum sets where he can plug in his headphones and we do not hear most of the sound, just the hitting of the drumheads, which is not too bad. While we missed a lot of the “traditional” senior year activities, we physically got to see him walk the stage recently.

My daughter is an avid bowler. So far, the farthest we have traveled was to Detroit last July, and we were supposed to head to Vegas this July. With COVID hitting, we are not going to Junior Gold in Vegas, or any of the other tournaments we were scheduled to partake in. She is ranked seventh in the state for all high school divisions this year for girls. She made it to state, finishing second overall during regionals (two years in a row). While she did an amazing job this year, she fell short at state and did not medal.

My husband is a local paramedic, taking extra precautions so he does not bring anything home to us. I work the weekends at our local bowling alley and have enjoyed the time off because I have had little time to sit down and cross-stitch with everything we normally have going on in life. Here are some photos of my family and a cross-stitch I recently finished.

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