Click on the star to make it yellow and it is added to your favorites, unclick on the star to clear from your favorites. It is simply that easyto manage.
I am starting with export because I create a template from the export file in the transaction detail if I have several “like” records to enter but the transaction description needs to be customized. I can save that same export, customize the descriptions, and import the file for a new record with a click of my mouse.
Customization of email formatting with a predefined text that is included in all email and signature. Having the simple template is a time saver when sending out repetitive information daily.
Being able to copy a transaction like a monthly AP (accounts payable) or AR (accounts receivable) saves so much time.
Scanning and attaching backup records to a transaction. Before Acumatica, record retention caused mountains of saved pieces of paper that required searching through file cabinet after file cabinet and hope that the document has been filed it the correct location. Attaching the backup documents to the transaction minimizes the need for paper file and saves cost on storage. The best part is knowing you’ll find the back up document with a click on a paperclip icon or a file link.
We have been leveraging Acumatica as our internal system to track service tickets (or cases) for a couple of years now. We connected Acumatica to our website, so each ticket that comes in from the CS3 sight automatically notifies me that a client is in need. I then review the request, solve it if possible, or forward to one of our subject matter experts.
The arrival of Adalie, my granddaughter, who is now 5 months old and big brother Arthur, age almost 6 years old, are the apple of this Nana’s eye.