Blog Post

18 Service Pillars - #1 Be Authentic

Published on

September 25, 2018

Gary Crouch

Suggested Articles

Be Authentic – Authentic behavior is the most powerfulquality we have as consultants. Authenticity is about undisputed credibilitywhen you articulate what you are experiencing. In other words, you express theemotions you feel without being emotional.


Being Authentic speaks to the need for honesty,integrity and respect in every relationship. Every project or supportinteraction is based on agreement.  Customers expect solutions in aspecific time frame and agree to pay a fair price.  Consultants agree todeliver specific criteria under detailed circumstances at a fair fee.


However, life is never perfect and things happencontrary to our desires.  Whatever the obstacle, we strive to be flexibleand creatively find the next best solution.  Holding out for unrealisticexpectations or placing blame does not solve anything.  Hiding problemsonly delays the inevitable.  Understanding the new parameters and findingthe best solution, jointly, serves everyone’s best interest.  By beingflexible, but realistic we have the best chance of preserving the trust we havewith our customers for the long term.

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