Our 18 pillars of Service

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Service Pillars

As your long term business partner, our CS3 staff become an extension to your organization, helping you meet your management, production and revenue goals. In order for CS3 Technology to meet your needs, our consultants are continually challenged to perform at an exemplary service level as defined by our 18  Pillars of Service outlined below.


Be Authentic

Authentic behavior is the most powerful quality we have as consultants. Authenticity is about undisputed credibility when you articulate what you are experiencing. In other words, express the emotions you feel without being emotional.

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Exhibit Professionalism at All Times

Conduct every action and communication with absolute professionalism. Bring a sense of calmness and assurance during times of stress for your client. Continuously work on improving your skills and knowledge. Maintain an impeccable character.

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Demonstrate Success

Success is always measured against the client's written objectives and can only be achieved when it is demonstrated to the client. Always ensure that acknowledgment is communicated up and down throughout the client's organization.

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Engage in Knowledge Transfer

Knowledge transfer has occurred when your client is self-sufficient in their day-to-day operations. Multiple methods are employed to ensure success, including education, mentoring, hands-on training, and interactions.

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Stay Clear of Politics

While you must, without question, know and understand the politics of the client's situation, stay clear of getting involved. Do not get drawn in and choose a side.

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Focus on Delivering Value

Everything you do for a client should provide a return on their investment. Just because you CAN do something, does not mean that you SHOULD.

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Make the Client Look Good

Publicly recognize the contributions and successes of the client and their team. Always pass credit to those who have earned it.

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Take Administrative Tasks Seriously

Administrative tasks are essential to the success of every project. This includes documenting project details accurately and on a timely basis.

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Know Your Audience

Know to whom you are speaking, but do not talk up or down to anyone. Treat everyone's time and position with respect.

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Spend Money as if it were Your Own

Clients expect to be billed for your expenses, but spend wisely. For travel, always seek the most cost-effective alternative. For meals, eat as you would at home. Always give the client the option to save money.

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Project a Positive Attitude

Adversity and challenges are part of every engagement. They should always be met with a "can do" spirit. A positive attitude is contagious to the rest of the team.

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Communication is a two way process; always seek to understand BEFORE you try to be understood. You should use many forms of communication: calls, email and face-to-face, always assuming there will be an external audience.

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Show Up Ready to Work

Study project information before you arrive. Have your materials (agenda, handouts, etc.) ready to go. Know what you are going to do this visit, discuss it briefly with the client as you arrive, then get to it.

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Look for Improvements

Your relationship is based on trust and your ability to find and create solutions. Help your client identify needs they might not be aware of by looking past the immediate pain and finding the root cause. Propose solutions or further research with the goal of developing alternatives.

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Protect Your Integrity

Be truthful, even when the message is hard for your client to hear. Be reliable. If you are unable to meet a commitment, communicate that quickly.

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Under-Promise, Over-Deliver

Always be conservative in your estimates and promises, then deliver more than what is expected.

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Never Leave the Client Guessing

Call to confirm every appointment. Arrive before your appointed time and debrief when leaving. Never leave without an acknowledgment from the client. Follow up the next day.

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Know When You are in Over Your Head

If you suspect that you need help, ask for it. Always try to refer the situation to someone who can deal with it most expediently. It is all right (in fact, it is preferred) to say you do not know but will get the answer.

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Purchase Our President's book

18 Service Pillars: The Basis of an Exceptional Organization
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