2022-07-30 19:00
2022-07-30 19:00
2022-07-30 19:00
2025-01-19 17:47
The employees of CS3 share what it is like to use Scissortail daily.
Not only does Scissortail make life better for your HR and Payroll Staff, it is awesome for employees and managers. The paperless features helps both managers and employees. The mobile access allows appropriate access for each employee 24/7.

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Sheri's Top 5 Features of Scissortail

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July 31, 2022

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My Favorite Scissortail Features:

I would like to share my perspective of Scissortail HCM as an employee, rather than as payroll or HR team member. As an operational manager, I also need to find and update information related to my direct reports.

  1. All employees can have the ability to manage the accounts where their payroll will be deposited. I am able to add or remove a checking or savings account as I make banking changes. Additionally, I can adjust the amount sent to each of those accounts, and can make adjusts at any time.
  2. Being able to pull a copy of my W-2 for any prior years is really handy. When I completed my Federal taxes this year, I could not find my W-2. It was 8 pm on a Saturday. But I was able to log into Scissortail and pull my own copy....immediately!
  3. Also, as an employee, I can pull a copy of my check stubs at any time, for any pay period. If I am at the car dealership and want to process a loan, from my cell phone I can access a copy and email it to the finance manager...again....immediately! I love completing tasks so quickly.
  4. As a supervisor, my firm gave me the ability to add special pay for my team. Each month, after I calculated commissions, I put these entries in directly and attached the supporting document. I was always confident that the commissions were correct and on time. Payroll was happy because this task was completed for them!
  5. As a supervisor, I found the employee review process so helpful. First, I do not have to track down the paperwork. The required forms are part of Scissortail. Second, I can readily access all the prior years reviews because they attached to the employee master record.

What is Happening at the Office:

I have been with CS3 since 2004. Now it is time for me to retire. I moved to part-time July 1st. I have officially moved from the position of Vice President of Sales and Marketing to Director of Marketing. I anticipate continuing in this role for a year or so before trying to step into full retirement. I love working for CS3 and am a bit hesitant to leave this great firm. They have such a big part of my career and my family's life as well.

What is Happening at Home:

As I already noted, I am enjoying a more leisurely life. I am able to work from home, which is our family lake property. I now get to work in the morning from the cabin and then get to fish or swim in the afternoon.

Additionally, I just had grandchild number three arrive and number has been announced. This may make it easier for me to move on in to retirement. It is a blast to go play with these babies.

Atticus John in the arms of his PawPaw
The view from my home office at the lake cabin.


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Scissortail HCM
Product Details
Paperless Workflow